阳光房选择什么型材合适? |
添加时间:2018/12/11 15:49:45 浏览次数: |
第一、安全指数比较 First, the comparison of safety index 普通家庭阳光房来说,钢、铝、断桥铝在承重性能、抗风压性上都能达到安全要求。 For ordinary family sunshine houses, steel, aluminium and broken bridge aluminium can meet the safety requirements in bearing capacity and wind pressure resistance. 大型阳光房一般需要用到钢结构搭建,钢结构具有良好的承重性能,但小型阳光房三种材料安全性能基本平分秋色。 Large sunshine houses generally need to be built with steel structure, which has good load-bearing performance, but the safety performance of the three materials of small sunshine houses is basically equal. 第二、采光指数比较 Second, comparison of daylighting index 理论上,阳光房主架型材对采光并没有多大的影响,无论是钢结构、铝合金或断桥铝三种型材的阳光房都能搭建成玻璃顶,采光度都不错。 In theory, the main frame profile of the sunshine house has little effect on daylighting. Whether it is steel structure, aluminium alloy or broken bridge aluminium, the sunshine house can be built into glass roof with good daylighting. 在选择阳光房屋顶材料时,如果是搭建成彩钢板顶和瓦顶等,那采光性就打折扣了,喜欢享受阳光的业主,建议选择玻璃顶阳光房。 When choosing the material of sunshine roof, if it is built into colored steel plate roof and tile roof, the lighting will be discounted. Owners who like to enjoy sunshine are advised to choose glass roof sunshine roof. 第三、隔音指数比较 Third, comparison of sound insulation index 钢结构与铝合金、断桥铝的分界点就在于居住体验。在隔音性能上,钢结构阳光房的隔音性低于铝合金阳光房,铝合金阳光房的隔音性又低于断桥铝阳光房。 The dividing point between steel structure and aluminium alloy and broken bridge aluminium is the living experience. In terms of sound insulation performance, the sound insulation of steel structure sunshine room is lower than that of aluminium alloy sunshine room, and the sound insulation of aluminium alloy sunshine room is lower than that of broken bridge aluminium sunshine room. |
上一页 想搭建阳光房 阳光房装修需要注意的四大点 |
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